With this post I connect to that of Clare in his blog http://lapropriaidentitainazienda.blogspot.com/ who wrote so beautifully and I agree: " what you would not do exactly what you need to do to grow . "
As we grow when there thought, decision, choice , often you think, you want ... but you decide, just because we fear crashes.
The sentence I mentioned above, sums up just as we must do if you want to grow and that is dealing with what scares us, kill the monster until it is small, before it becomes so great that create for ourselves a real block.
But often no one knows what we fear, because we are very good at lying to ourselves: what scares us because we do not want to do, we say that we do not because we do not care!
Here comes into play to secure self-esteem, self-confidence and our ability, as Albert said in his blog http://myblogalbelli.blogspot.com/ , but it sure is important to understand that fear, if well managed, sets in motion a great energy that can be turned into determination, grit and focus on the objective.
In this sense, self-listening, listening to ourselves, our hardships, our fears with the utmost sincerity, we can understand what our true desires, what are the limits we often impose or risk "lose face". All this can help set in motion a voltage to the decision and choice to achieve a goal, which is said to be reached, but at least we tried, and in any case, made us grow .
'E' at the time of the decisions that you create your destiny "
Anthony Robbins
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