propose a reflection ...
Why the trainer as well as know-how to be do-able must also be able to listen ?
The trainer has to do with the "human resources" and this term implies that every human being is a resource, in this sense "to listen" produces a double effect: making the person with whom you interact (which should be the goal of every trainer) and at the same time, the condition of openness with which the trainer stands, allows him to learn something new, to tap this resource.
If the goal of the trainer is to allow the individual to discover and develop their potential, we must always remember that there are multiple truths, which can have multiple interpretations is an essential skill to be flexible and open to new and the different.
Behold " active listening, addition to being an instrument to hear and respect the other to take charge of their own learning, development and personal change "also becomes an opportunity to" enrich their knowledge, expertise and experiences significant.
This reflection is inspired by a document found in internet
entitled "Charter of Values \u200b\u200bof trainers" ( http://www.ti.ch/DFE/DR/SRU/CEFOS/direttive/valori.asp?menu=8a )
that I fully endorse and recommend to visit.
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