Friday, December 19, 2008

How To Make Turn Signals Like A Heart Beat

With this post I connect to that of Clare in his blog who wrote so beautifully and I agree: " what you would not do exactly what you need to do to grow . "

As we grow when there thought, decision, choice , often you think, you want ... but you decide, just because we fear crashes.

The sentence I mentioned above, sums up just as we must do if you want to grow and that is dealing with what scares us, kill the monster until it is small, before it becomes so great that create for ourselves a real block.

But often no one knows what we fear, because we are very good at lying to ourselves: what scares us because we do not want to do, we say that we do not because we do not care!

Here comes into play to secure self-esteem, self-confidence and our ability, as Albert said in his blog , but it sure is important to understand that fear, if well managed, sets in motion a great energy that can be turned into determination, grit and focus on the objective.

In this sense, self-listening, listening to ourselves, our hardships, our fears with the utmost sincerity, we can understand what our true desires, what are the limits we often impose or risk "lose face". All this can help set in motion a voltage to the decision and choice to achieve a goal, which is said to be reached, but at least we tried, and in any case, made us grow .

'E' at the time of the decisions that you create your destiny "

Anthony Robbins

Friday, December 12, 2008

Catchy Invitational Phrases


public a document that I found in this address because it speaks of "educational value of acceptance" as a condition for recognizing that those who enter training are carriers of experiences and feelings, and starting this should be valued.
I think this topic is very important because, although I recognize that n primarily a personal decision and the reasons are the first and most important drivers to turn their learning and their own change , I am aware (not being so young ...) which is very difficult to get game in the eyes of others and discover their weaknesses and shortcomings. "
"attitudes will likely reception marked the recognition of experience and inherent worth of every person in training, will take care of him who he is and accept it for what it is and what he wants to become. "

D reception as the basis for the construction of a project as a means of attention formazioneall'accoglienza continua.di Carolina M. scaly and C. Scaly

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

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L 'listening to the trainer

propose a reflection ...

Why the trainer as well as know-how to be do-able must also be able to listen ?

The trainer has to do with the "human resources" and this term implies that every human being is a resource, in this sense "to listen" produces a double effect: making the person with whom you interact (which should be the goal of every trainer) and at the same time, the condition of openness with which the trainer stands, allows him to learn something new, to tap this resource.

If the goal of the trainer is to allow the individual to discover and develop their potential, we must always remember that there are multiple truths, which can have multiple interpretations is an essential skill to be flexible and open to new and the different.

Behold " active listening, addition to being an instrument to hear and respect the other to take charge of their own learning, development and personal change "also becomes an opportunity to" enrich their knowledge, expertise and experiences significant.

This reflection is inspired by a document found in internet
entitled "Charter of Values \u200b\u200bof trainers" ( )

that I fully endorse and recommend to visit.

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"God gave us two ears but only one mouth, just to listen the double talk and half "
Epictetus, greek philosopher - the first century AD

Active listening is based on creating a" climate "in which a person can feel included, so you must be really available to understand what the other is saying, but at the same time we must listen to themselves, their reactions and possibly their "distress" as an indication of the limits of their views.
You must also accept our "not knowing" and our difficulty in understanding, to establish a relationship of respect and mutual recognition.
This is not easy for us, it is natural, because we always need to classify everything around us and, accordingly, the trial ... but the trend is exactly what you should do if you really want to hear. The same goes for the easy tendency to "counsel" to resolve any issues of who speaks to us.
It's actually easier to create barriers to communication messages by using more or less explicit rejection, such as, for example, to interpret what the other says, moralizing, change the subject.
is why, for active listening, you must follow certain rules:
· Listen content, that is what we are told, by collecting all necessary information about the situation at hand, asking questions to seek clarification
· Understand the purpose, namely to understand why our party is telling us something, trying to figure out what is your point of view
· observe non-verbal communication , as an indication of the mood of the interlocutor, and light of contradictory signals
· check your own reactions and their non-verbal communication , that is to be aware of the messages you are sending
· with participation Listen without judging , trying to put yourself in his shoes to understand her feelings, while retaining the awareness that the problem is not ours.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

How Much Should I Tip For A Brazilian Wax


with respect to the post of Paola ( ) on the definition of bullying and the distress it causes, I found a very interesting link: asp? Sarea = 69 :
The psychological distress in the workplace: mobbing
"For several years on the world and Europe is an ongoing analysis of the causes of psychological distress and bullying can cause economic and social damage on the spot work.
The word derived from "bullying" to mobs "(attack with violence) borrowed from ethology, which was introduced by Konrad Lorenz, who uses it to indicate the aggressive behavior of some species of birds in relation to their contestants who tried to attack the nest.
The first person who began studying bullying as "psychological violence in the workplace" and as such responsible for diseases for those who suffered, was the German psychologist Heinz Leymann who in "1986" illustrate a book, the consequences particularly on the neuro-psychic sphere, those who are exposed to a protracted hostile behavior, from superiors or colleagues.
There is no single definition of the phenomenon of bullying because, being a multi-faceted phenomenon The definitions in use are affected by the particular points of view of those who express them.
Here, we recall the definition described by Leymann who argues that "the psychological terror or mobbing in work" consists of a hostile and unethical communication directed in a systematic way by one or more individuals against a single individual who generally , due to mobbing, is pushed into a position which has no support and defense and is forced to face harassment and bullying by his superiors.
These actions occur with a rather high frequency (at least once a week) and over a long period of time (lasting at least six months). From the definition of Its founder is clear that we can properly speak of mobbing when the scene is the workplace and there is a temporal requirement: psychological violence must be regular, systematic and long life.
It 'clear that those who suffer bullying is afraid of losing his job and can not leave him. In fact, bullying is often implemented with the sole purpose of intimidating and "can fire with impunity," an employee. Consequences
On the physical level is the whole body to be involved: the disturbances in fact, likely to affect the brain, skin, eyes, neck, shoulders, legs, heart, digestive system and respiratory, reproductive and sexual health, the immune system. In the stakeholders, has also found a greater vulnerability to disease. In terms of emotional, psychological acts of violence in the workplace, determines that the subject undergoes a whole series of psychological disorders and a range of issues and in particular: existential crisis, relationship crisis, economic crisis.
recall by way of illustration, what are the psychological and psychosomatic disorders have been found in people who are victims of bullying: Anxiety, fear, panic attacks, tension , Agitation, nervousness, anxiety, insecurity, dissatisfaction with their work, apathy, listlessness, fatigue, sadness, melancholy, depression, obsessive thoughts, memory lapses, lack of mental concentration, worry, fear of losing their jobs, anger, feeding difficulties or sleep, abuse of drugs or alcohol, hypertension, heart disease, gastrointestinal disorders, sexual disorders, behavioral problems, difficulty in interpersonal relationships. "

is further explained here cos' it is bullying and what are the consequences.
is mobbed when a person does not realize right away, but gradually this vicious circle and that is where the problem arises: if a person fails to make in regard to time of being mobbed or worse, does not want to realize, disorder and suffers the consequences can last for a long, long time

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active listening (7 rules of hearing)

comments to the post of active listening to:
on the seven rules I wanted to be a reflection of listening: listening actively trying to understand what the other is saying, trying to put yourself in his shoes. also a fundamental thing of active listening is not judgmental about the content, but we are free to give advice and ideas on problem. un'altima reflection: the non-verbal behavior is very important when listening to a person because thanks to the non-verbal signals are transmitted sensations, feelings, ...
a very comprehensive link on active listening is this:

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Baby Born Message Send To Friends

Listen in silence, activating all the senses and makes the Heart adding that listening is always new, not something given, "already known".
In silence we seek to understand what the other says, what it means to communicate beyond words, turning attention and commitment of a single turn our preconceptions and our prejudices.
So the real play is always new ... and it is always a source of new knowledge for the listener!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Generic Bluetooth Driver

Looking walls

"Who am I?" One day a young man asked an old man.

"You are what you think," replied the old man and I'll explain with a story. One day the city walls, into the sunset, we saw on the horizon two people hugging.

" I am a father and a mother "thought an innocent child." are two lovers, "he thought a man with a troubled heart." have two friends who meet after many years "thought one man." are two merchants who have done a deal "thought a greedy merchant. " It 's a father embracing a child return from the war, "he thought a young woman from the soul." E 'daughter embracing his father returned from a trip "thought a man grieves the death of a daughter." Who knows why they embrace "thought a man with a dry heart." That's good to see two people embracing "thought a man of God

In every age and every time they told stories. Before, they were oral, written later became today the stories are multimedia. Wherever we turn someone gives us visual narratives, hypertext and the moment requires us to tell us. Narration, then, is both a particular way of thinking, is a particular way to produce the final items from that thought. In this sense, the narrative belongs to the history of 'humanity, both when men possessed an oral culture, and when they possessed a culture purely written. The storytelling is so science which translates and promotes the "things" are real or imaginary, in words, images and sounds.

Thus, the design of this blog is to make people aware, through the narration, frequently to examine their thoughts, because each of them, revealing to yourself what you are.

Not only that, you also reveal your identity, that is your way of being, through which each person self-identifies and is identified. The " identity card, for example, is based on recording physical traits," personal identity ", on the contrary, we deduce behavioral traits as found on the choices in the actions that show stays psychological and ideal (intelligence, creativity, beliefs and values).

Through the image everyone has of himself, which builds from an early age and that is the combination of various factors, it determines " self-esteem." As mentioned it is therefore an evaluation of the concept of self, an emotional reaction that people experience when they see and evaluate themselves, linked to personal beliefs about the abilities, skills, social relationships. Self-esteem therefore includes a cognitive aspect (opinions that everyone has to itself), an emotional aspect (what the person has against it), and a behavioral aspect (what the person has in their concerns).

Self-esteem through self-knowledge, has a serious impact on many areas of life, how you present and interact, the choice and realization of the objectives, the reactions to positive and negative events. It 'also closely related to other concepts such as self-efficacy, assertiveness and a sense of guilt.

The trainer, especially in the construction of the working groups, should be particularly careful to pick up the messages "need " that are implicitly applied by the participants.

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Listen ...
We hear so many things, many people, many voices, but how many times we hear?
How often "given" to others of our range available to suspend the proceedings and understand their point of view?
How many times have "given" the opportunity to broaden our horizons?

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Kidde Kn-copp-3 Errors


E 'on, though obviously not complete, the website .
You can already join the forum and view the legislative part that concerns us. Good luck to all
