Monday, August 1, 2005

What Happens After D-worm Puppies


(ANSA) - NEW YORK, 01 Aug - The New York state governor George Pataki announced that placing 'veto on the law allowing the sale of morning-after pill without a doctor's prescription.
Under this law, the pill would not have become a drug dealer, but through anonymous booklet of recipes provided by doctors to nurses and pharmacists, however, would have made access to the pill immediately even without a medical prescription to adult women and adolescents.
The Republican Pataki, who intends to stand for the upcoming primary for the presidential election to the White House, those of 2008, decided to block the law previously passed by the Senate of the State of New York,''mainly because 'it offers no protection children'', said it Kevin Quinn, his spokesman. Quinn said:''If this law and other defects will be corrected, creating a version more 'in charge of law, the governor will support'.''
The drug (in Italy can 'only be prescribed by a doctor) and' an emergency contraceptive that works by ovulation to a massive dose of hormones (much 'stronger than that contained in the normal contraceptive pill), even before it is fertilized by sperm and implants in the uterus before it, that' within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse. It is a kind of different from the pill RU-486, and that 'long been the focus of debates about abortion.


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