In 2010, overtaking the United States beat Google and Facebook itself as the site more 'visit. Meanwhile, around the social network is about to open a new chapter in the legal battle that lasted for years between the twins Winklevoss, which would have the idea from where he was born, Facebook and its founder Mark Zuckerberg.
The website of social network, according to a study by Experian Hitwise, ousted search engine at the top of the list of most portals 'visited the U.S. in the year just concluded, between January and November, Facebook and' state 8 visited, 93% of surfers against 7.19% of Google.com. Mountain View outweighed 'Facebook if they are included in count all the sites that are owned by Google, including such as YouTube and Gmail. In that case, and Google 'was visited by 9.85% of Internet users. Third place goes to each case to Yahoo! with 8, 12% of Internet users.
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