The infamous Pisanu might have (finally) days are numbered. Against the decision, in the style of a Stalinist edict, requires the registration of anyone accessing the Internet, were deployed in recent days, Berlusconi "Freedom Club" and now comes the bipartisan bill, presented to Deputies by Paolo Gentiloni (Pd), Linda Lanzillotta group of rutelliani and Luke Barbary (FLI) to abolish Article 7 of the decree , which since its adoption (2005) has prevented the development of public wi-fi in Italy.
Now, if PD, and Finian rutelliani Let's introduce the Italy of Values, always siding against the Pisanu decree, there would be an absolute majority in number in the House.
The decree was issued as a counter-terrorism measures in the wake of the attacks London on 7 July 2005, but the only actually been true, say the MPs call for the abolition of the measure, was the fact that libraries, private or public companies can not offer free access to its Wi-Fi network without photocopy or scan a document of identity of each user and monitor access to individual workstations and software used by users.
(source: affaritaliani.it)
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