With bad weather on 05 March has been implemented until March 11 Plan Snow Hall. The plan triggered at 14:00 on 05 March, according to the information about weather, will remain active until March 11 pending further disturbances that should be of interest to the municipal area. According to information provided by the Assessor of Civil Defense, in coordination with the Municipal Technical Office, unless exceptional deterioration in the night, from 06.00 on 06 March will focus on the rural roads, cleaning streets. If necessary, more will be added to the medium municipal resources made available to companies affiliated with the Plan Snow. Sweep in the first phase will cover the historical center and the upper part of the country and then the remaining area with priority to the type of roads, elevation and importance criterion artery road. The arteries Provincial There is already clearing snow will continue throughout the night. At the same time the inner streets of the old town will be made passable by the volunteers of the town who will even to the shedding of salt to prevent ice formation from 08.00 on 6:03:10. E 'activated the emergency number +39 328.8999184 for any reports that require priority or urgency. For more information, please contact the City of Lettomanoppello number 085.8570755 or the emergency number above. Today, at 23:52 of 5:03:10 there are ordinances that provide for the closure of the union educational activities of the Comprehensive Lettomanoppello of 6:03:10 for the day.
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