Google and HTC are working on the new tablet with the new Chrome OS.
The Apple Tablet has not yet been submitted but Google / HTC are working hard for the antagonist. The 'war' between Apple and Google is expanding so as to Android vs iPhone (the first Nexus GooglePhone HTC with Android platform will be presented Jan. 5, 2010) and arrives into the world of e-reader. Will once again be the 'HTC fact, the company that so far Google has mostly supported the hardware side, development of the tablet: the company in Taiwan and the Mountain View giant is already working on the project for several months and the same HTC has declared an intention to compete directly with Apple and with its still unknown device.
currently no other details are known about the potential release the system: the only thing known is that the tablet uses HTC's new Chrome OS, operating system, Google introduced a few months ago. Since the first terminals equipped with Chrome OS are expected by the end of 2010, it is likely that the tablet HTC will see the light only toward the end of the year.
(source: Macitynet)
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