The Prot. Civil Lettomanoppello in collaboration with other associations has required local the City of Lettomanoppello to be able to adopt a maintenance level, some local public goods in the area such as planters, IALU and other street furniture in the area.
The initiative, says Coordinator Of Francescantonio , aims to publicize also the social aspect of the volunteers of Civil Defence of Lettomanoppello . "We're used to working in difficult conditions of urgency and emergency," says the coordinator "our pride and take the places affected by emergencies, the solidarity and strength starts with the name of our town, now we want to demonstrate our love for Lettomanoppello also help by using the simple maintenance a IALU , a planter or a railing. The plates that will put the assets we maintained inform the nationality of who is taking care of that asset, thus promoting respect for and interest in the same. This contribution to the community is our way of saying thanks to all those who believe in us. emphasize that the course maintenance will be performed free and volunteers committed to respect for institutions and understanding of the roles, not wearing the currency of the Group. Confident Citizens that our work has a long life, "concluded the Coordinator .
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