Looking walls
"Who am I?" One day a young man asked an old man.
"You are what you think," replied the old man and I'll explain with a story. One day the city walls, into the sunset, we saw on the horizon two people hugging.
" I am a father and a mother "thought an innocent child." are two lovers, "he thought a man with a troubled heart." have two friends who meet after many years "thought one man." are two merchants who have done a deal "thought a greedy merchant. " It 's a father embracing a child return from the war, "he thought a young woman from the soul." E 'daughter embracing his father returned from a trip "thought a man grieves the death of a daughter." Who knows why they embrace "thought a man with a dry heart." That's good to see two people embracing "thought a man of God
In every age and every time they told stories. Before, they were oral, written later became today the stories are multimedia. Wherever we turn someone gives us visual narratives, hypertext and the moment requires us to tell us. Narration, then, is both a particular way of thinking, is a particular way to produce the final items from that thought. In this sense, the narrative belongs to the history of 'humanity, both when men possessed an oral culture, and when they possessed a culture purely written. The storytelling is so science which translates and promotes the "things" are real or imaginary, in words, images and sounds.
Thus, the design of this blog is to make people aware, through the narration, frequently to examine their thoughts, because each of them, revealing to yourself what you are.
Not only that, you also reveal your identity, that is your way of being, through which each person self-identifies and is identified. The " identity card, for example, is based on recording physical traits," personal identity ", on the contrary, we deduce behavioral traits as found on the choices in the actions that show stays psychological and ideal (intelligence, creativity, beliefs and values).
Through the image everyone has of himself, which builds from an early age and that is the combination of various factors, it determines " self-esteem." As mentioned it is therefore an evaluation of the concept of self, an emotional reaction that people experience when they see and evaluate themselves, linked to personal beliefs about the abilities, skills, social relationships. Self-esteem therefore includes a cognitive aspect (opinions that everyone has to itself), an emotional aspect (what the person has against it), and a behavioral aspect (what the person has in their concerns).
Self-esteem through self-knowledge, has a serious impact on many areas of life, how you present and interact, the choice and realization of the objectives, the reactions to positive and negative events. It 'also closely related to other concepts such as self-efficacy, assertiveness and a sense of guilt.
The trainer, especially in the construction of the working groups, should be particularly careful to pick up the messages "need " that are implicitly applied by the participants.