Wednesday, July 27, 2005

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(ANSA) - NEW YORK, July 27 - Sara 'was hot to her head and for the warm Marredy Jennifer, 35, of Connecticut, and' over al fresco. But the story would have ended much worse.
The woman had reported the theft of his car carrying a 10 year old daughter, but police discovered after some research, he had simply forgotten where he parked the car with the girl in the day more 'hot 'year. Not finding it had thought of stealing. The
child, who according to the reconstruction of the police and 'was closed for about an hour in the car while her mother was shopping, he took a big risk but it was not damaged. The woman 'was arrested for abandonment of a minor.

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INTERNET: SUPER HITS KEEP WEB ARCHIVE expired 'Wayback Machine' makes you happy lawyers. CASE VODAFONE / ANSA

(ANSA) - NEW YORK, July 27 - 'scripta manent' said the Latins, and applies to the Internet. Who thought that the web was the means of communication 'and without volatile memory must' think again.
Through software that you download from the site 'Wayback Machine' you can 'fish out of a large digital archive public ',' a quantity 'of unimaginable parts: text, audio, video, and especially many web pages that we thought had' expired 'and therefore lost forever.
The same service also offers the Google with its 'Google Cache' (cache 'a term used in computing to describe a place in the network where information is stored albeit temporary), but the quantity' of pages and found 'much lower. Since
'Archive' has activated this service have been made about 40 billion copies of old web pages using a program that automatically runs through the whole network, as did the scribes in medieval libraries, copy documents that way ', will no longer' lost.
addition to the historical value and curiosity 'stimulated by a mega store from which to fish out the first versions of' Yahoo! ' scarnissima homepage or the first of 'Amazon', the value of this digital archive have discovered the U.S. lawyers who specialize in property 'rights.
It seems that in some American law firms is now common to ask whether we can do a 'Wayback' on a certain reality to a matter in due course. Research in the virtual past, sometimes richioso of certain companies or personality 'and' become a real standard practice during certain processes.
For example, the 'Playboy Enterprise', one of the bunnies and magazines for men only,''uses this system about once every two months,''said Anamaria Cashman, general counsel for the 'intellectual of the famous magazine.
''We are very careful that the websites do not make use of our bunny or other images (those of playmate) even if the information has been removed and are no longer 'visible on the fly,''the lawyer added.
The question of the stolen domain and 'has often been resolved with the use of Wayback. It happens in fact that home users, usually with the intent to defraud, making use of a name important to internal documents and then Offir various commercial services. Or that if someone opens a site with a famous name and obligations then the rightful owner of the name ricomprarselo, extorting large numbers.
One of the first big names to use 'Wayback' in a process' was Vodafone, the British phone giant, in 2001, the year of initiation of Wayback, won a lawsuit against an individual who was used as the name of your site its 'Vodafone'. The phone giant
accuse 'the person-a woman-you are using the Vodafone name to attract novice users and use the site for commercial purposes.
The woman defended herself by saying that his site was made just to give instructions to those inexperienced web surfers. With a meta-search the archives discharge 'that the lady wanted to attract only if' potential buyers.
Vodafone won the case without any problems, recovering the internet domain, which has now become the official website of one of the most 'big phone companies in the world. (ANSA).

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(ANSA) - NEW YORK, 26 July - With temperatures have touched 38 degrees in the shade the administration of New York decided to create the''cool''in public areas of five districts of the city 'to give relief to New Yorkers affected by a wave of heat that is putting a strain on the country.
The heat wave that is coming down as every year on New York, and 'aggravated by a high moisture content' that makes the climate even more 'hard to bear.
About forty people - including a dozen illegal immigrants who tried to reach the U.S. from Mexico by crossing the desert - have died in the states of the South West, but the situational and is' even worse on the coast of the Northeast and Midwest, with temperatures Record and Chicago and the rest of the United States. High temperatures in Alaska as in Florida, Texas and Arizona, Michigan and Missouri. A Chicago
the administration and 'the workers to carry the people with the minibus to areas where cool and has checked that the ranges of popolzaione most' at risk, the elderly in particular, were in non-hazardous.
This is to avoid the disastrous effects the heat wave of 1995, when, in less than 4 days, died more 'than 500 people.
In Washington, the city 'of politicians and federal officials, and' was published a note which asked everyone to turn off computers and electrical apparecchiatture that were not actually used. (ANSA)

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

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(ANSA ) - NEW YORK, 26 LUG - It 's time to prepare for the marathon complete the double trilogy of' Star Wars'.
in November will be released 'DVD also the last of the saga of George Lucas.
The DVD of the third episode of 'prequel', the 'Revenge of the Sith,' come out 'accompanied by the second episode of the video game' Battlefront II ', along with other additional content, including the story of how Anakin Skywalker, the supposed chosen one who would save the world and defeated the Empire, it ends up becoming Darth Vader. (ANSA).

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(ANSA) - NEW YORK, 26 LUG - Jennfer Lopez, Beyonce 'and the group Good Charlotte are some names of artists whose songs have been made to run on several radio networks and stations in exchange for bribes and gifts to disk jokey.
Investigations of New York, led by Attorney General Elliot Spitzer, brought to light that many radio hits were in fact 'inflated' by the 'Sony-BMG,' the colossus of the Japan-German musical production.
Among the 'hit pumped' 'Fox News' quotes'''orribile cd of Lopez 'Get Right' last winter, and also his previous singles' I'm Glad 'and' I'm real. '(ANSA)

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(ANSA) - NEW YORK, 26 July - 'Apple Computers' as the White House and the Capitol, and' was deleted from the satellite maps available on the Microsoft internet. In the case of the giant iPod and Mac are not security reasons to explain the disappearance of the buildings from the virtual map, but a mere annoyance.
In its new mapping service with satellite photos recently launched in response to the now popular Googlemap, the service has pictures of the earth saltellitari product from Google, Microsoft has replaced the eleven buildings of modern Apple headquarters Steve Jobbs with a large parking area deserted and fuzzy. And it 's not.
writing in the prescribed area for research of companies, companies' social and corporations, just the name of 'Apple Computers',' Micorsoft Virtual Earth 'comes out with an incomprehensible' voice is not grim '.
To test just type the address of Apple (1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, U.S.) in the same virtual map of Google. The comparison is, and 'the case to say, illuminating: a map in the other large parking area with 11 elegant buildings, gardens and roads. (ANSA).

Monday, July 25, 2005

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(ANSA) - NEW YORK, July 25 - It 's arrival in the new version the videogame of the''Lord of the Rings,''''The Battle of Middle-earth II,''with additional characters drawn directly from the novel.
The first publisher in the world of video games, Electronic Arts (EA) has in fact acquired the rights to the book''The Lord of the Rings''to create the new version of the game.
So far the only characters utilizzatbili were those that had appeared in the film trilogy by Peter Jakson, of which EA bought the rights before.

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(ANSA) - NEW YORK, July 25 - She never thought of going to jail for those seedlings planted marijuana in her apartment. He just wanted the police to bring back those three men, they are 'real criminals, they had stolen.
Stephen Knight, a 17 year old Texan by the vision of the law of its own, growing marijuana at home and it 'was arrested by the same policemen who had called to report the theft of the precious fruit of his activities'.
According to the reconstruction of police in San Antonio, three men were surprised at the boy in the house, tying him immobilized with a string of Christmas lights and then - the boy said,''they asked me where I kept the grass'' .
Then they took away part of his collection is also an expensive plasma TV. Must have felt really robbed of all his work to call the agents and the police think that it would close one eye on his activities' to concentrate only on the illegal theft.
But not only have found the plants under lamps, but also packaged marijuana and a tablet of ecstasy. While continuing the research of the three thieves Stephen Knight remains in custody. (ANSA).